Barker & Williamson - highest quality HF broadband antennas
Barker & Williamson has been a recognized leader worldwide in the manufacture of the highest quality HF broadband antennas, fiberglass masts, air wound coil stock, and other radio parts for military, commercial, homeland defense, and amateur use since 1932. We specialize in HF broadband folded dipole antennas for conventional, NVIS, and ALE use, both base and camouflaged tactical. We also manufacture camouflaged FRP fiberglass masts and mounting kits, as well as the Miniductor™ and Airdux™ air wound inductor lines.
Bwd-180n - barker & williamson commercial antenna - folded hf dip
The BWD-180N - Barker & Williamson Commercial Antenna - Folded HF DipSWR less than 2:1 over entire HF frequency range for the modelSWR less than 3...
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Bwd-65 barker & williamson commercial antenna- folded dipole hf.
Barker and Williamson BWD-65 - folded dipole antenna - Broadband Antennas - Our field-proven broadband HF antennas operate all frequencies continuousl...
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Bwd-20 14 - 30 mhz 30 - 54 mhz
Model Length SWR <2:1 SWR <3:1 UseBWD-20 20 Ft 14 - 30 Mhz20 - 10 M 30 - 54 Mhz6 meters Attic antenna for 20 - 6 MThis unique antenna design cov...