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Bonito Communication Technologies
Welcome to the Bonito Communication page. Here, you'll find links for products covering HF-VHF-UHF. In addition, specific models mentioned in the ham radio forum Like Bonito antennas, Mini Whip Short Wave Active Antenna, Radiocom-6 decoding software, and RADIOJET Receivers are here for future reference. Amateur radio Antenna sold here, we update our stocks to keep in touch with modern improvements in Bonito design. Available Today Bonito Communication Technologies: Nautical, meteorological, information and warning systems: Software for Marine computing and HAM-Radio amateurs: Directory, Try something new with Bonito,
Bonito shortwave receiver radiojet 1102s 0.04-30mhz
The new Bonito shortwave receiver RadioJet 1102S combines innovative design with the advantages of modern computer technology. It has a frequency rang...
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Antennajet aas300 active antenna splitter
Bonito AntennaJet AAS300 Active Antenna Splitter 9kHz - 300MHz Active 3 Way antanna Splitter 9 kHz - >300 MHz 1 Antenna to 3 ReceiversLarge dynami...
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Megactiv ma305ft active antenna
This low noise active antenna covers the frequency range of 9kHz-300MHz. With selectable FM-Trap, Wide frequency range 9kHz – 300MHz, Small dimensions...
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Radiocom-6 - decoding software
RTTY-, CW-, PSK 31-, SSTV- WFax-,SatFax-, Time signal plus SubDecoder aswell as TX EncoderSDR Integration with Bonito BandWatch®,IF-Filter, IF-Demodul...
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Mini whip short wave active antenna 10 khz - 20 mhz
This MINI-WHIP Antenna is one of the smallest (only about 10 cm) long, medium and short wave active antenna. It offers despite the small size, excelle...
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Griffin powermate vfo control knob usb
The Griffin PowerMate VFO Control Knob gives extra functionality to the SDR-1000 for ease of use. It connects to a USB port on the computer and provid...